Titles don’t make Leaders
We come across numerous examples of leadership in our day to day lives. We often quote from such leaders, read their biographies, follow their social pages, read news about them, check their pages, watch movies about them and so on. Some of us go as far as dreaming to become leaders like them one day.
That’s not a bad dream, on the contrary it’s an ambitious aspiration towards the future, a fuel to your goals and objectives. Perhaps a catalyst to seeking more experience, more knowledge, and a better understanding of your craft to get to a stage where you will also become a leader one day.
Yet what made those leaders who they are?? Are there any common characteristics that defines them? Is the title “leader” enough to make you one? Aren’t we all leaders of our own domains at work or at home? From my experience I believe that there are traits and characteristics, beyond the titles, knowledge and experience, amongst all well-known leaders of the past and of today. Leaders such as Richard Branson, the late Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Jack Maa or country leaders or corporate leaders or sports team captains.
When we start drilling down on some of these characteristics, we often realize that we are consciously aware of them, but we don’t realize that not everyone is capable of attaining them. For example, not being afraid to explore new things , to step back sometimes accept shortcomings and find alternatives to move forward. If we start looking into top companies around the world, leaders who have failed multiple of times are the ones that we praise today for being successful all because they challenged the status quo.
Another example of a conscious leader is one who accepts the consequences of their decision, actions and guidance . If ,through their guidance, good results are obtained , then it’s because the leader was able to guide the team properly and they followed directions, which resulted in the realization of the purpose of their collective goal and brought the vision to reality. If the decision resulted in failure, the leader takes full responsibility, accepts the consequences, seeks advice from those around him and tries again in a different way provided they have another chance. Being able to accept and overcome shortcomings is a difficult characteristic to embrace as a leader. However, in doing so you become a role model to the team you are leading, and in turn and to successfully receive dedicated team members who are passionate about the cause, and will to help drive your company forward. This is a major key to a successful business.
That takes us to the next point , a leader knows how to adapt to the environment, to inspire those around them to make sure that they too are part of the purpose and vision. Being an adaptable leader helps to empower the team as they feel seen and heard. In that, the leader is able to understand things from their perspective them and thus guides them towards the necessary objectives. The leader will be able to challenge them to do better, give them the right critique for them to improve, and to celebrate success stories with them.
Another good trait is that a leader knows how to communicate. Communication is vital in any organization and always has to flow in both directions, otherwise there will always be issues when the only communication is coming from top to bottom or there is no communication at all. Thus, to allow such communication to flow constantly a leader has to create the right culture to allow proper transparent communication and has to also lead by example. On top of communicating a leader is also a very good listener . If the policies allows free transparent communication without leadership listening and guiding then it demoralize the energy within the organization. Some might say that their company has an Open-door Policy but when the doors are open but minds are blocked then it is useless.
A leader does not take things personally in business. They accept that sometimes not everything they say is correct and not every concern raised by colleagues are intended to harm them. A leader knows how to get the best out of everyone and understands that people are different and everyone has a different way to express concerns or raise points. There will always be people in the office who are very vocal and opinionated with regards to everything that the organization does, and a leader knows how to filter noises and takes away what can be used to move forward.
A leader is a dreamer that is not afraid to share their dreams with everyone, no matter how far fetched others may think of it at the time, a leader continues to live that dream and steers their life, career, and achievement towards getting closer and closer to achieving that dream. A leader understands that they will not be around forever and need to pave the way forward to prepare the next generation of leaders continue the mission.
In the end what I can certainly attest to is solely relying on books , certificates and having leadership titles does not result in a leader . A leader is a combination of characteristics, personality, courage, openness, knowledge and then experience. The first four only come through an upbringing that helps in defining the right traits to become a future leader, regardless of financial status, ethnicity, gender or nationality.
Who are/were the leaders that you look up to and what was one thing you remember about them that you admire the most?